Daily Archives: 15.9.2016

Loitsulähde Driving Show

Viimeinen ilmoittautumispäivä:17.09.2016Tietoa luokista
Vastuuhenkilö:Milja, virtuaali@lasileija.netRotulyhennekoodit
Osallistuminen kutsun alaosaan
viimeiseen osallistumispäivään
mennessä seuraavassa muodossa:
Ohjastaja – Ponin virallinen nimi (rotulyhenne)
Osallistumisessa tulee käyttää
väliviivaa, ei ajatusviivaa!
Luokat:1. Driving Class – 35/40oreille/ruunille, kokoryhmä 1
2. Driving Class – 31/40tammoille, kokoryhmä 1
3. Driving Class – 36/40oreille/ruunille, kokoryhmä 2
4. Driving Class – 38/40tammoille, kokoryhmä 2


Tinúvel – Newburn’s Willie (highl) Show Supreme Champion
Cannabia – Wyat Raclaw (she) Show Reserve Champion
elen – Briar Glen Sensation (dart)
Swildie – Doireann v. Pijnboompit (highl)

Osallistujat ja tulokset

1. Driving Class, oreille/ruunille, kokoryhmä 1
elen – Gwynedd Rionwr (wD)
elen – Calvert Rory (NF)
elen – Pebblethorne Rowan (fell)
elen – Frostbay Flashy (fell)
sandi – Diamond Dush (highl)
sandi – Mair Monadh Cairbre (highl)
sandi – Mair Monadh Dòmhnallan (highl)
sandi – Villiruusun Fleimur (highl)
Veera Ruusula – Winter’s Saint Boy AD (wD)
Swildie – Bruadrach of Swildie (highl)
Swildie – Samhainn of Swildie (highl)
Swildie – Eachann v. Pijnboompit (highl)
Swildie – Aengus v. Pijnboompit (highl)
Ally – Wendydd Meirion (wD)
Ally – Warwick White Winslow (dales)
Tinúvel – Newburn’s Willie (highl)
Tinúvel – You-Know-Who 5594 (C)
Jannica – Lil Lines (dales)
Jannica – Hopearinteen Pilgrim (wD)
Jannica – Lovely Rollo (C)
Jannica – A.D. Rob-Roy (fell)
Milja – Criallt Nid Nemor (wD)
Milja – Criallt Arthvawr (wD)
Milja – Caradwg Eryr Aur (wD)
Milja – Dwfncoed Twrgadarn (wD)
Hemsbury – Storyteller’s Dracula (C)
felissa – Vehkakorven Cadfael (wD)
Cannabia – Aidan Rattle (C)
Cannabia – Hobbes LAC (NF)
Fjellgård – Brenin Y Llyn Wedi Rhewi (wD)
Fjellgård – Pryderi Leolin (wD)
Fjellgård – Dyffryn Alastair (wC)
Fjellgård – Gwynt O Newid (wD)
Suvi N. – Top Gun (wC)
Pierre – Deryn Du (wD)

Tinúvel – Newburn’s Willie (highl)
Fjellgård – Gwynt O Newid (wD)
Hemsbury – Storyteller’s Dracula (C)
Milja – Dwfncoed Twrgadarn (wD)
Milja – Criallt Arthvawr (wD)
sandi – Mair Monadh Dòmhnallan (highl)
elen – Pebblethorne Rowan (fell)
Swildie – Samhainn of Swildie (highl)
Milja – Caradwg Eryr Aur (wD)
sandi – Villiruusun Fleimur (highl)
Ally – Wendydd Meirion (wD)
Pierre – Deryn Du (wD)
Fjellgård – Pryderi Leolin (wD)
Milja – Criallt Nid Nemor (wD)
felissa – Vehkakorven Cadfael (wD)
Jannica – Hopearinteen Pilgrim (wD)
Suvi N. – Top Gun (wC)
elen – Gwynedd Rionwr (wD)
Cannabia – Hobbes LAC (NF)
sandi – Diamond Dush (highl)

Fjellgård – Dyffryn Alastair (wC)
elen – Calvert Rory (NF)
Ally – Warwick White Winslow (dales)
Cannabia – Aidan Rattle (C)
Jannica – Lil Lines (dales)
elen – Frostbay Flashy (fell)
Jannica – Lovely Rollo (C)
sandi – Mair Monadh Cairbre (highl)
Jannica – A.D. Rob-Roy (fell)
Swildie – Aengus v. Pijnboompit (highl)
Swildie – Eachann v. Pijnboompit (highl)
Veera Ruusula – Winter’s Saint Boy AD (wD)
Swildie – Bruadrach of Swildie (highl)
Fjellgård – Brenin Y Llyn Wedi Rhewi (wD)
Tinúvel – You-Know-Who 5594 (C)

2. Driving Class, tammoille, kokoryhmä 1
elen – Llygedyn Modwen (wD)
elen – Echreiddig Llances KV (wD)
elen – Nerian Pirouettes (NF)
elen – Moonrise’s Irisdescence (wD)
sandi – Mair Monadh Marcail (highl)
sandi – Sandi’s Gemmy (highl)
sandi – Skye of Airdrie (highl)
sandi – Villiruusun Lady Touch Me Not (highl)
Swildie – Eldreth Alyn (highl)
Swildie – Heather of Radon (highl)
Swildie – Doireann v. Pijnboompit (highl)
Swildie – Bealtaine of Swildie (highl)
Ally – Torchwood Tally Ho (dales)
Ally – Myrtle Maid (fell)
Tinúvel – Arielle of Swildie (highl)
Tinúvel – Catriona Crowley (highl)
Jannica – A.D. Honey Hammering (wD)
Milja – Mair Eboni (wD)
Milja – Mererid Aderyn (wD)
Milja – Difyr Liwsi (wD)
Milja – Melynwyn Eilir (wD)
Hemsbury – Storyteller’s Taranis (C)
Hemsbury – Golden Criminal (wD)
Cannabia – Llygedyn Adameg (wD)
Fjellgård – SP Llwynog Melyn (wD)
Fjellgård – FGW Llwynog Rhwd Bach (wD)
Fjellgård – Rhoscfflach Dúlin (wD)
Fjellgård – Tiwlip Mair Myfanwy (wC)
Suvi N. – Winglady (wC)
Pierre – Chwyrligwgan Din Tia (wD)
Pierre – Caddel Caio Dew (wD)

Swildie – Doireann v. Pijnboompit (highl)
Fjellgård – FGW Llwynog Rhwd Bach (wD)
sandi – Villiruusun Lady Touch Me Not (highl)
Tinúvel – Arielle of Swildie (highl)
Cannabia – Llygedyn Adameg (wD)
Pierre – Chwyrligwgan Din Tia (wD)
Milja – Melynwyn Eilir (wD)
Jannica – A.D. Honey Hammering (wD)
Milja – Mair Eboni (wD)
sandi – Sandi’s Gemmy (highl)
Hemsbury – Golden Criminal (wD)
Milja – Mererid Aderyn (wD)
Swildie – Eldreth Alyn (highl)
Tinúvel – Catriona Crowley (highl)
elen – Llygedyn Modwen (wD)
sandi – Mair Monadh Marcail (highl)
Ally – Myrtle Maid (fell)
sandi – Skye of Airdrie (highl)
Milja – Difyr Liwsi (wD)
Swildie – Heather of Radon (highl)

Swildie – Bealtaine of Swildie (highl)
Fjellgård – Rhoscfflach Dúlin (wD)
Hemsbury – Storyteller’s Taranis (C)
elen – Nerian Pirouettes (NF)
Pierre – Caddel Caio Dew (wD)
elen – Moonrise’s Irisdescence (wD)
Ally – Torchwood Tally Ho (dales)
Fjellgård – SP Llwynog Melyn (wD)
elen – Echreiddig Llances KV (wD)
Fjellgård – Tiwlip Mair Myfanwy (wC)
Suvi N. – Winglady (wC)

3. Driving Class, oreille/ruunille, kokoryhmä 2
elen – Bracklewythe Replica (dart)
elen – Talynreed Enored (dart)
elen – Carvennec Riverhopper (dart)
elen – Brandywood Fury (dart)
naakka – Hattifnattar (she)
naakka – Cobblestone Draíochtúil (KB)
naakka – Rockhill Blinding Storm (dart)
naakka – Northside Cheeky Biscuit (dart)
sandi – Chester Dim (erisk)
sandi – Anffin Cordax (she)
sandi – Fun One CHA (she)
sandi – Hiewatha Zorro (she)
Tinúvel – Vivid Apetite (exm)
Tinúvel – Ravenclaw (she)
Tinúvel – Aneirin (wA)
Jannica – A.D. Magic Dream (she)
Jannica – A.D. First Fiasco (she)
Jannica – A.D. Dimonan Diminuendo (she)
Jannica – A.D. Sugar Delux (wA)
Milja – Cedion Silver Swirl (wA)
Milja – Coen v.d. Zanneshof (she)
Milja – Wyat Timothy (she)
Milja – Lieuwe v.d. Zanneshof (she)
Meeri N. – Snilli Hercules (she)
Meeri N. – Snilli Phineas (she)
Meeri N. – Toy’s Mårten (she)
Meeri N. – Pläsinpellon Napakymppi (she)
Hemsbury – Tinkerbill (wB)
Hemsbury – Gilbert (she)
Cannabia – Boomer v. Moons (she)
Cannabia – Marquis v. Moons (she)
Cannabia – Wyat Raclaw (she)
Iiris – Vincent (wB)
Iiris – Larkhills Syrah (wB)
Omppu – Gwynedd Howell (wA)
Omppu – KW Code Pajazzo (wA)

Cannabia – Wyat Raclaw (she)
Iiris – Larkhills Syrah (wB)
elen – Talynreed Enored (dart)
Milja – Coen v.d. Zanneshof (she)
Hemsbury – Tinkerbill (wB)
naakka – Rockhill Blinding Storm (dart)
sandi – Fun One CHA (she)
naakka – Cobblestone Draíochtúil (KB)
Tinúvel – Ravenclaw (she)
sandi – Anffin Cordax (she)
Hemsbury – Gilbert (she)
Jannica – A.D. Sugar Delux (wA)
elen – Brandywood Fury (dart)
elen – Carvennec Riverhopper (dart)
sandi – Chester Dim (erisk)
Milja – Cedion Silver Swirl (wA)
Cannabia – Marquis v. Moons (she)
Jannica – A.D. Dimonan Diminuendo (she)
sandi – Hiewatha Zorro (she)
Meeri N. – Toy’s Mårten (she)

Milja – Lieuwe v.d. Zanneshof (she)
Meeri N. – Snilli Phineas (she)
naakka – Hattifnattar (she)
Tinúvel – Aneirin (wA)
Jannica – A.D. Magic Dream (she)
Cannabia – Boomer v. Moons (she)
Omppu – Gwynedd Howell (wA)
Meeri N. – Snilli Hercules (she)
Jannica – A.D. First Fiasco (she)
Milja – Wyat Timothy (she)
naakka – Northside Cheeky Biscuit (dart)
Omppu – KW Code Pajazzo (wA)
Meeri N. – Pläsinpellon Napakymppi (she)
elen – Bracklewythe Replica (dart)
Iiris – Vincent (wB)
Tinúvel – Vivid Apetite (exm)

4. Driving Class, tammoille, kokoryhmä 2
elen – Mirefield Poppy (dart)
elen – Kingcardine Aurora (dart)
elen – Kingcardine Lightning (dart)
elen – Briar Glen Sensation (dart)
naakka – Wyat Nerida (she)
naakka – Twee Teeny Blueberry (dart)
sandi – CCF Vianna (dart)
sandi – Gwenevere (exm)
sandi – Amarn Ruim (she)
sandi – Coppélia Dei (she)
Ally – Silverdale Agatha (she)
Ally – Daydream (exm)
Ally – Vehkakorven Cheesecake (she)
Tinúvel – Lilium 5594 (she)
Tinúvel – Derpette 5594 (she)
Tinúvel – From Fairy Forest (she)
Tinúvel – Lunete 5594 (wA)
Jannica – Gisla von Dows (she)
Jannica – KW Awel (wA)
Jannica – Eglwysilan (wB)
Jannica – A.D. Angelique (wA)
Milja – Valië Dei (she)
Milja – Granstad Quenella (she)
Milja – Snilli Queenie (she)
Milja – Mangon Sunshine Soul (she)
Meeri N. – Wyat Karamel Kitten (she)
Meeri N. – Toy’s Isfrun (she)
Meeri N. – Snilli Berry (she)
Meeri N. – Karneoli Speed (she)
Hemsbury – Queen’s Crescent (dart)
felissa – Eirian Dewydd (wA)
felissa – Vinhan Londona (wA)
felissa – Vehkakorven Minera (wA)
felissa – Yentel Primrose (she)
Cannabia – Olivia v. Moons (she)
Iiris – Huhtalan Princess (she)
Omppu – KW Balchder Cadence (wA)
Pierre – Himpulan Sädekehä (she)

elen – Briar Glen Sensation (dart)
Meeri N. – Karneoli Speed (she)
naakka – Wyat Nerida (she)
Ally – Daydream (exm)
Omppu – KW Balchder Cadence (wA)
Jannica – Gisla von Dows (she)
Meeri N. – Toy’s Isfrun (she)
Jannica – Eglwysilan (wB)
Iiris – Huhtalan Princess (she)
Tinúvel – Lunete 5594 (wA)
Milja – Mangon Sunshine Soul (she)
sandi – Amarn Ruim (she)
Cannabia – Olivia v. Moons (she)
Milja – Valië Dei (she)
Tinúvel – From Fairy Forest (she)
Tinúvel – Lilium 5594 (she)
felissa – Eirian Dewydd (wA)
naakka – Twee Teeny Blueberry (dart)
Milja – Snilli Queenie (she)
felissa – Vehkakorven Minera (wA)

Milja – Granstad Quenella (she)
sandi – CCF Vianna (dart)
Jannica – KW Awel (wA)
Meeri N. – Snilli Berry (she)
Jannica – A.D. Angelique (wA)
sandi – Gwenevere (exm)
Tinúvel – Derpette 5594 (she)
sandi – Coppélia Dei (she)
Ally – Vehkakorven Cheesecake (she)
Pierre – Himpulan Sädekehä (she)
elen – Kingcardine Aurora (dart)
Meeri N. – Wyat Karamel Kitten (she)
elen – Kingcardine Lightning (dart)
elen – Mirefield Poppy (dart)
felissa – Vinhan Londona (wA)
Ally – Silverdale Agatha (she)
Hemsbury – Queen’s Crescent (dart)
felissa – Yentel Primrose (she)